Brick by Brick

Nehemiah 2:17 – Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”

I am currently in the process of having a house built. Almost daily I spend some time on the work site, engaging with the workmen, enquiring and observing. As I look on I often see the work done brick by brick in different stages. There are times when certain things are done at a very fast pace. There are times that things take a considerable amount of time. “Technical work” they call it. Then there are times when either human error or unforeseen elements play a role in things not being done up to standard. It is then that a rebuilding process is necessary.

Our entire existence consists of building and rebuilding things. We may not realize it but we are all in the construction business. We spend our lives building relationships, our academic portfolio, experiences, our family, our financial status, our careers, our ministry, our assets, legacy and our lives. Since we are made in the image and likeness of the Creator, building is instinctive to us. It is a part of our nature. However, the enemy exists to destroy (kill, steal and destroy, John 10:10) and distort everything that we have built. He knows that if he destroys what we have built then he troubles something that God cares about, and that means he wins right? Wrong.

God is never taken by surprise! When the enemy destroyed the relationship shared between Adam and God, that was not the end. God already had a rebuilding plan in process before the very foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8). A demonstration of this is recorded in the book of Nehemiah in the Bible. Jerusalem, beautifully  built, glorious and fortified, was destroyed by its enemies. God then commissioned Nehemiah to rebuild the walls. The process was long and hard. They faced opposition, obstacles and challenges, but kept on building inspite of the technicalities.  

As it was with Nehemiah then, so it is with us today. During this time of prayer and fasting there are things that we need to build and rebuild in our lives. Know that whatever the enemy breaks, our God is capable of rebuilding; every relationship, every dream, every opportunity and every ministry. As we fast and pray, let us be determined as Nehemiah, let us build what must be built and rebuild what must be rebuilt. Together we can fortify broken pieces of our lives, even if it is just BRICK BY BRICK. God will help us.

Read: Nehemiah 3
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 1:20-33; Matthew 10:1-31; Genesis 25; Genesis 26

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